Jari Arffman, Born 16th of June 1965, Kajaani, Finland
Photographic artist
MSSc Tampere University
Työhuone Puutyöverstas, Kolmionkatu 2 H 1, FI-33900 Tampere
Tel. +358-40-7290 480
E-mail: jari.arffman(a)bart.fi
Internet: www.galleriat.net/artarffman
Selected solo exhibitions
Documentary Project Tampere III, Sounding Life - Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Lähde the library of Vesijärvi, Finland
Documentary Project Tampere III, Sounding Life - Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Leija the main library of Ylöjärvi, Finland
Sheet, Documentary Project Tampere III, Sounding Life - Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Kulttuuritoimitus, Finland, short film online
Human Race, Ars Finn-Medi ry
Ellipsi, Tampere, Finland
Documentary Project Tampere III, Sounding Life - Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra
Tampere Hall, Finland
Human race
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland, online
Pictorial Archive – Documentary Project Tampere II Kulttuuritoimitus, online
Images of Artists at Their StudiosGallery Telakka, online
Something Sacred – Documentary Project Tampere IIKulttuuritoimitus, online
Barflies – Documentary Project Tampere IIKulttuuritoimitus, online
FINSKU – Landscapes from the Headquarters
pop up -galleria Himmeli 24/7, Grafiikanpaja Himmelblau, Tampere, Finland
ARTag Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Images of Artists at Their Studios
Merz, Tampere, Finland
Bart Ässäkeskus
S-gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
musta-pekka goes social art project
Ravintola Musta-Pekka, Tampere, Finland / huutokaupat.com /mesenaatti.me
Bart Kotka
Museum of Kymenlaaksoa, Finland
White & Black
Museum of Forssa, Finland
Bart Hyvinkää
Hyvinkää Art Museum, Finland
Bart Talvivaara
Tampere City Central Office Building, Finland
Pussy Politics
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
White & Black / Big Prints
Tampere-Pirkkala Airport, Pirkkala, Finland
Documentary project Tampere & Bart, Shop Stewards
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
Bart Talvivaara
Oulu Museum of Art OMA, Finland
White & Black
Sanoma Building, Helsinki, Finland
White & Black
Aatos, Sotkamo, Finland
Documentary project Tampere, Tammela 23.7.2012
Art Window, Tampere, Finland
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
St. Utopia
Sypressi-centre of Orthtodoxy, Kouvola, Finland
The Museum Of New Art, Pärnu, Estonia
Fotomuuseum, Fotokelder Lee, Tallinn, Estonia
Finnish-Norwegian Cultural Institute, Oslo, Norway
Galleria WILLA MAC, Tampere, Finland
Zsinagóga Galériá, Eger, Hungary
Sami Artist Center, Karasjok, Norway
Gallery Becker, Jyväskylä, Finland
Counterparts, St. Utopia
Oulu City Art Museum / The Regional Art Museum, Finland
Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, USA
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
Counterparts - Vastinparit
Finlandia University Gallery, Hancock, USA
The Library Gallery of Nurmijärvi, Finland
Kajaani art museum, Finland
Documentary Project Tampere, new ones4 / BusinessART
Finlayson’s Mediatunnel, Tampere, Finland
St. Pragburg
Sypressi, Center of Orthodoxy, Kouvola, Finland
Gallery Telakka, Tampere, Finland
Documentary project Tampere / new ones3
Finlayson’s MediaTunnel, Tampere
Halla Finnish Design, Antwerpen, Belgium
Documentary Project Tampere
Gallery Kakelhallen, Maarianhamina, Finland
Gallery Telakka, Tampere Finland
Documentary Project Tampere / new ones2
Finlayson's Mediatunnel, Tampere, Finland
Club United, Tampere, Finland
Documentary Project Tampere / new ones
Finlayson's Mediatunnel, Tampere, Finland
The Scandinavian House, Prague, Czech Republic
Documentary Project Tampere / 8
Wintergreen, Tampere-house, Tampere, Finland
Studio Mältinranta, Tampere, Finland
Photographs 3
Miskolc Gallery of Fine Arts - City Museum of Arts, Hungary
Finnish Institute in Madrid, Spain
Documentary Project Tampere / 8
Finlayson's Mediatunnel, Tampere, Finland
St. Pragburg
Tays Café, Tampere, Finland
Business Centre Siberia, Tampere, Finland
Photographs 2
Pleven, Bulgaria
St. Pragburg
La Galería - Casa Condal, Maspalomas, Spain
Photographs 2
Gallery Krug, Kurdjali, Bulgaria
Photographs 2
Yambol Regional Administration, Bulgaria
Photographs 2
Sredets Hall, Bulgaria, Sofia
St. Pragburg
Gallery Seriola, Tampere, Finland
St. Pragburg
Sala Cidade Lisboa, National Gallery of Portugal, Padrão dos Descobrimentos, Lisbon, Portugal
Fujifilm gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
Finnish Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia
Urban Landscapes
Center of Culture in Elk, Poland
Urban Landscapes
Bang & Olufsen Gallery, Tampere, Finland
Peace and Love, Boat of Childhood, Telephone/Meedio - Operaphotographs
Gallery Häme, Lahti, Finland
Peace and Love
Bang & Olufsen Gallery, Tampere, Finland
Boat of Childhood
Gallery BE'19, Helsinki, Finland
Photographic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland
Photogallery Laterna Magica, Helsinki, Finland
Tangible Mystery
Concerthall Gallery, Kotka, Finland
Tangible Mystery, Crusade
Gallery Zone, Helsinki, Finland
Tangible Mystery
Tullikamari of Tampere, Tampere Film Festival, Finland
Grace of Spirit
Photographic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland
Receiving Centre of Aspirants for Place of Refuge, Tampere, Finland
Sphere of Chaos
Tullikamari of Tampere, Tampere Film Festival, Finland
Moscow 1993 - Natural conflict
Photographic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland
L.A. Disintegration
University of Tampere, Finland
L.A. Disintegration
Photographic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere
Photon Possesses
Bookstore Big & Tall, Los Angeles, USA
Photo books
True City, Kulttuuritoimitus Suomi Oy, Tallinna 2021
Checkpoint Tampere, Musta Taide, Tampere Art Museum publications 164, Helsinki, Finland 2017
Bart - Business Art, Maahenki Oy, Helsinki 2008, Finland
bild.sprachen – Messe für angewandte Fotografie 2010,
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Art Prague /Galerie Caesar,
Prague, Czech Republic
Art Ireland / ArtArffman,
Dublin, Ireland
Subcontracting / ArtArffman/BusinessART,
Tampere, Finland
Culture and Travel / ArtArffman,
Tampere, Finland
Ménes-patak Menti Nemzetközi Fotómuvészeti Fesztivál
Szécsény/Hungary, Fil'akovo/ Slovakia
International Meetings of Photography
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
II Festival of Photography Miraflores, Lima, Peru
2nd International Photofestival Pro-Vision
Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
Group exhibitions
Tahmelan huvila, Tampere, Finland
Sorsapuiston Sali, Tampere Hall, Finland
Northern Meeting, Kulttuuritalo Valve
Northern Photographic Centre, Oulu, Finland
Copyright Tampere
Tampere-Pirkkala Airport, Pirkkala, Finland
Finnish and Finnish American Art from the Finlandia University Collection
FinnFest, USA
It’s only a loan
P-Galleria, Pori, Finland
Copyright Tampere
Museum Palace of Elagin, St. Petersburg, Russia
Copyright Tampere
TR1 Künsthalle, Tampere, Finland
Art to Electric cabinets
Tampere Museum of Contemporary Art, Tampere, Finland
Summer Exhibition
Gallery Uusitalo, Helsinki, Finland
Jari Arffman, Lars Holmström, Petri Nuutinen, Marja Pirilä
Galerie Caesar, Czech Republic
Nord Art
Büdelsdorf, Germany
Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
Pirkanmaa Image 2005
Emil Hall, Tampere, Finland
The North Wind
St. George's Gate, Iraklion, Creece
Tercer Encuentro Cultural Finlandia-España
Suomi-kerho, Las Palmas, Espanja
Club Maritimo Varadero, Sala de Exposciones, Las Palmas, Spain
Association of Visual Artists of Pirkka-Häme 1953-2003
Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
Roses and twigs
Artcenter Mältinranta, Tampere, Finland
Työmaakoppi - Site Hut, Mobile art space
Tampere, Finland
GRIN. Humour in Finnish Photography
Mikkeli Photography Centre, Finland
1st Pirkanmaa Triennale
Museum Centre Vapriikki, Tampere, Finland
Pirkanmaa Image 2000
Myllysaari Museum, Valkeakoski, Finland
Union of Finnish Art Associatons 61st Annual Exhibition
Poleeni, The Pieksämäki Cultural Center, Pieksämäki, Finland
The Theme of Making Images: Market Place
Arts and Crafts Center Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
The Drum and the Camera
Gallen-Kallela Museum, Espoo, Finland
Electric Art
Rauma Artmuseum, Finland
Turku Artmuseum, Finland
Alvar Aalto Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
1993 ...have to ge genuine
Photographic Centre Nykyaika, Tampere, Finland
(no title)
Tampere Museum of Contemporary Art, Finland
The Visual artists' copyright society in Finland, Member of Cisac
Tampere Artists' Association, Finland
Association of Photographic Artists, Finland
Positions of trust
Member of the board 2022-2026, Association of Photographic Artists, Finland
Member of the board of Association of Visual Artists of Pirkka-Häme, 2006-
Member of the Board in Nordic Art Union of Finland, 2005-, Vice-chairman 2006-
Unionmeeting representative of Association of Visual Artists of Pirkka-Häme in Union of Finnish Art Associatons, period 2005
Deputy representative of Association of Photographic Artists in Representatives of Artists' Association of Finland, period 2004
Member of the Board in Nordic Art Union of Finland, 2004-2006
Representative of Tampere Artists' Association in the annual meeting of Nordic Art Union of Finland, 2004
Representative of Association of Photographic Artists in Representatives of Artists' Association of Finland, period 2003
2022 Shortlisted in Belfast Photo Festival 2022 / Something Sacred - Documentary Project Tampere II
2021 The Arts Promotion Centre Finland
2020 The Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Majaoja Foundation, Finland
The Arts Council of Pirkanmaa of Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Patricia Seppälä Foundation, Finland
City of Tampere, Finland
The Arts Council of Pirkanmaa, Finland
Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse, Finland
Letterstedtska Föreningen, Sweden
The Finnish Ministry of Education , The Unit of Culture Export
Finlandia University Gallery, USA / Finn Spark, Inc., USA and The Finlandia Foundation National, USA
FRAME, Finnish Fund for Art Exchange
The Finnish Ministry of Education, The Unit of Culture Export
The Arts Council of Pirkanmaa
The Employment and Economic Centre of Uusimaa in Finland, SILE Project
The Arts Council of Pirkanmaa
The Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation
City of Tampere
Arts Council of Finland
City of Tampere, Finland (for group)
Finnish Cultural Foundation
Arts Council of Finland
Patricia Seppälä's Foundation, Finland
City of Tampere Cultural Affairs, Finland
Support Foundation founded by Shareholders of Finlayson's Factory, Finland
Finnish Ministry of Education, Finland
Communication and Cultural Section, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
City of Tampere Cultural Affairs, Finland
Letterstedtska Föreningen, Sweden
City of Tampere Cultural Affairs, Finland
City of Tampere Cultural Affairs, Finland
Art Council of Pirkanmaa, Finland
Cultural Foundation of Finland, Foundation of Otso Pietinen
Art Council of District of Häme, Finland
Communication and Cultural Section, Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Los Angeles, USA
Exhibitions catalogues
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation Collection 2009-1014, Rovaniemi Art Museum Collection, publications series 1., Lahti, Finland 2015
Copyright Tampere – The City Portrayed in the Art of Jari Arffman and Timo Vuorikoski, Tampere Art Museum Publications 151, Tampere Art Museum, Sastamala 2011, Finland
Art Prague, 2007, Czech Republic
Art Ireland, 2006, Ireland
Jari Arffman, Lars Holmström, Petri Nuutinen, Marja Pirilä
Galerie Caesar, Fotografie / Photography, 2006, Czech Republic
International Meetings of Photography, 2004, Bulgaria
Mirafoto II festival de fotografia de miraflores, 2002, Peru
2nd International Photofestival Pro-Vision, 2002, Russia
The Drum and the Camera, Musta Taide 2/1997, Finland
Works in collections
Abako Media Ltd, Finland
AGCO Sisu Diesel Power Inc. (formerly Sisu Diesel Inc.), Finland
Agnico-Eagle Finland Oy Kittilä mine
A-Insinöörit Oy, Finland
Architect Bureau Neva, Finland
Arja Raukola Oy, Finland
Art Collection of City of Tampere, Finland
Art Collection of San Bartolome de Tirajana, Spain
Art Collection SOK, Finland
Art Collections of State of Finland
Ata Gears Ltd, Finland
Atostek Oy, Finland
Avant Tecno Oy, Finland
Bodycote Lämpökäsittely Oy, Finland
CME-Lux Oy, Finland
Construction Establishment of Defence Administration, Finland
DILA, Finland
Espe Group Ltd, Finland
Finlandia University, Hancock, Michigan, USA
Finnish Museum of Photography, Collection of Hannula & Hinkka
Finn-Medi Research Ltd, Finland
Forcit Group, Finland
Foundation of Raimo Anttila, Finland
Genelec Oy, Finland
Glaston Finland Ltd., Finland
Hakaniemen Metalli Oy / High Metal Production Oy
Haklift ABT Oy, Finland
Hannu Hildén Collection
Helkama Emotor Oy, Finland
Helsingin Satama Oy, Finland
Hermia, Tampere Technology Centre Ltd., Finland
H-Liljeroos Ltd, Finland
Hospital for Joint Replacement Coxa, Tampere, Finland
Hotel Streym, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, Denmark
HT Lasertekniikka Oy
If Vahinkovakuutusyhtiö Oy, Finland
Interrock Ltd, Finland
Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation Collection , Rovaniemi Art Museum Collection, Finland
John Deere Forestry Oy, Finland
Kainuun Sanomain Kirjapaino Oy / Koti-Kajaani, Finland
Kalmar Industries Corporation, Finland
Katsa Oy, Finland
Kaukora Oy, Finland
Kesko Plc, Finland
KM Interiors Ltd, Finland
Koneistamo Alm Oy, Finland
Konetehdas K & K Oy, Finland
Linkosuo Oy, Finland
Länsilinjat Oy, Finland
MAC Collection
Meconet Oy, Finland
Mehiläinen Ltd., Finland
Metso Automation Oy, Finland
Metso Power Oy, Finland
Metsä Board Tako
Millog Oy, Finland
Ministry of Defence of Finland
Molok Oy, Finland
Moventas Oy, Finland
Mr Max Ltd, Finland
NCC Construction Ltd, Finland
Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, Washington, USA
Oy Forcit Ab, Finland
Parker Hannifin Oy, Finland
Pemamek Oy, Finland
Pension Foundation of Tamrock Ltd, Finland
Pipelife Finland Oy
Pirkanmaa Co-operative Society, Finland
Private collections in Finland, Spain, Peru and Czech Republic
Professia Ltd, Finland
Prudentum, Attorneys at Law Ltd, Finland
Purso Company, Finland
Purso Tools Oy, Finland
Sako Oy, Finland
Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy, Finland
Sanofi Oy, Finland
Schneider Electric Finland Oy, Finland
SKS Connecto Oy, Finland
Suominen Corporation, Finland
Support Foundation of Shareholders of Finlayson’s Factory, Finland
Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland r.f.
Tampere Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Finland
Tampere Cultural Chamber Ltd, Finland
Tampere Kiinteistö Invest Ltd, Finland
Tampere Parking Houses Ltd, Finland
Tampere Trade Fairs Ltd, Finland
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Tampere Water Ltd, Finland
Tasowheel Oy, Finland
Technopolis Plc (formerly Tampere Science Parks Ltd), Finland
The Collection of Tampere Art Museum
The Finnish Defence Forces, Army, The Reserve Officer School
The Finnish Defence Forces, National Defence University
The Scandinavian House, Czech Republic
TOAS, Finland
TT Gaskets, Tampereen Tiivisteteollisuus Oy
Tukes, Safety Technology Authority, Finland
Turva Mutual Insurance Company, Finland
Union of Municipality of Social Services of Pirkanmaa, Finland
Valio Oy, Tampere Dairy, Finland
Valtra Oy Ab, Finland
Vexve Oy, Finland
YIT Tampere, Finland
Donation of the exhibition Artist Portraits in Working Rooms in digital form to Finnish National Gallery, 2021
Portrait of Janne Gallen-Kallela-Sirén, Director of Tampere Art Museum 200-2007, Tampere Art Museum,
2019, Finland
CCF Culture Creative Fund, Training programme of funding and Pilot of funding,
Humak/Mesenaatti/Fundu, Tampere, Finland 2017
Bart Talvivaara Mining Company series in FlashSoundUp, Germany 28.8.2015
Creative World Forum / Ice Live Business Forum, Tampere, Finland 29.-30.1.2014
Valuable working life II workshop: Art, culture and physical exercise as support of business, Pilottitori, Tampere 11.12.2012
Professional of Cultural Export -training program, Fintra, Finland, 2011
Presentation of Bart in the program of bild.sprachen10 - Fair of applied photography, Wissenschaftspark, Gelsenkirhen, Germany, 8.10.2010
Quest of Honour, Ménes-patak Menti Nemzetközi Fotómuvészeti Fesztivál, Szécsény, Hungary, summer 2010
BART – BUSINESS ART, Art as an essential part of long-term business strategy, Seminar, Statoil, Oslo, Norway 9.2.2010
BART – Yritysviestinnän markkinalla -Business plan, financing by Foundation for Finnish Inventions and done by consulant Timo Argillander, Digital Media Finland Oy, 2009
Creative Economy and Beyond, International Conference on the Creative Economy, VIP, September 9-10, 2009 Helsinki, Finland
Bart exhibition, Occasion for Changing Businesscards, TampereChamber of Commerce and Industry meeting, Nokia Plc, Tampere, Finland 26.11.2009
A panelist, Megapolis2023 – Happy cities -seminar, Dodo ry, Hällä, Tampere, Finland 25.10.2008
Lectures on Bart: Finnish Academy of Fine Arts 11.11.2008, Helsinki / University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland 12.11.2008 / Arts Academy of Turku University of Applied Sciences 13.11.2008, Finland
Lecture “Counterparts - My Perspectives on Utopian ‘Realities’ ”, Nordic Heritage Museum 4.10.2008, Seattle, U.S.A.
Lectures and working shop, Finlandia University, 15.-19.9.2008, U.S.A.
Bart®, A top project of the Cultural Export of Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, 2008-2010
Lecture on Tradional and Contemporary Photographic-art Export, Seminar “Photograph – Export Product”, Spring of Photography 2008, Lahti Institute of Design, 28.3.2008
Diploma of Merit to concept BusinessART by Region 3 of Junior Chamber International Finland in national Productive Idea -competition 2007
Leader of the photographic art course Magicbox for mentally handicapped, Verstas Wärjäämö, Tampere, Finland, 2007
Member of the jury in the exhibition of Nordic Art Union of Finland, 2004
Printing of industry reportages from 1960's of newspaper Kansan Lehti, Archives of Central Museum of Labour, Finland, 2004
Exhibition Role of the nurse or Nurse of the role? to Maarit Järvensivu-Antila and Kirsi Pynnönen for their final examination as students nurses in Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland, 2003-2004
Part-time teacher of photographic art, Academy of Voionmaa, Finland, 2003-2018
Student Exhibition as a part of ECO-Identity Project in international festival of photography Kaunas Photo Days, Lithuania, 2004
Black & white printing, Exhibitionprints of Finlayson-photographs to Finnish Institute in Sweden, Finland, 2002
Photoarchives/photography/photoexhibitions, Tampere-Society, Finland, 2002- 2001
The Orthodox perish of Tampere / Alfred Kordelin's General Foundation of Progress and Culture, A New Historical Photographs of the Orthodox church of Tampere, Finland, 2001
Part-time teacher of black and white photography, Photography School of Muurla, Finland, 2001
Part-time teacher of photographic art, Academy of Orivesi, Finland, 2001
Portfolio Meeting, Nordic Art Union of Finland, Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art / National Gallery, Finland, 1999
City of Tampere Cultural Affairs / Tampere 220 years -internetgalleries, Finland, 1999
Power and Documentary Image, Summer Sessions in the International School of Social Sciences, Tampere University, 1997
Futureimages- and Icons - Rhetoric of Unreal?, Seminar, Ivo Group, The Cultural Center of Monastery of New Valamo, 1993
Freelance journalist, photojournalist, photographer, 1984 - 2008
among others foreign correspondences (Finnish Broadcasting Company, Finnish press), La Opinion (Los Angeles), Journalism (Finland), Art Magazine (Finland)